Computer Vision Syndrome – Why You Acquire Eyestrain and the Call for Computer Glasses

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a type of computer vision-induced eye strain. It refers to symptoms that stem from prolonged computer usage. The symptoms include blurred vision, eye fatigue, eye strain, red eyes, headaches, neck/back pain, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. CVS is similar to eyestrain you might experience after spending long hours in front of a computer screen, but unlike that strain, CVS is cumulative, meaning symptoms often worsen over time.

How Do Computers Affect Vision?

Computers are all around us. Just about every day, we rely on a computer for work or school, and we rely on our phones and tablets for socializing and keeping up with friends and family. But, when your eyes are strained and tired, it can make it hard to function. How exactly does the computer affect vision?

Have you ever stared at a computer screen or TV for an extended amount of time, only to suddenly see one of those pesky specks floating across your vision? Those particles probably aren’t there-they’re the result of digital eye strain. If you’ve ever experienced the effects of digital eye strain, you know all too well that your eyes start hurting, you can’t focus, and you just want to stare at something (anything!) else.

What Are the Symptoms?

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a condition that can affect people who work in front of screens for long periods. While using computers, tablets, and smartphones, you might feel sharp pains, followed by burning, tingling, and itching-or even dry eyes. These symptoms can indicate Computer Vision Syndrome, but because the symptoms also appear with other eye conditions, they are hard to diagnose without a proper diagnosis.

Here are the Typical Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome:

  • Headaches – Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of computer vision syndrome. Headaches happen when your eyes and your brain conflict. The eyes take in information, but the brain isn’t sure what to make of it. This can lead to stress and even headaches.
  • Eye strain – Eye strain is a medical condition that occurs when your eyes overwork due to prolonged computer use.

What happens if Computer Vision Syndrome is Left Untreated

    Do you work for hours on a computer? If your vision gets blurry or your eyes feel strained, you may have developed computer vision syndrome. This can also be referred to as digital eye strain. Prolonged screen time and exposure to digital devices can lead to discomfort, but in some cases, if left untreated, it can also exacerbate underlying retina issues. It’s essential to prioritize your eye health and seek professional guidance. Consider visiting an eye clinic where experts can assess your condition and provide appropriate retina treatment to ensure your eyes stay healthy and your vision remains clear.

    Additionally, computer vision syndrome can lead to severe vision problems like farsightedness, which would interfere with your daily activities. Those who develop farsightedness either wear glasses or opt for laser eye surgery. Currently, the latter is more in trend because of its short procedure length, high success rate, and quick recovery — those interested can opt for laser eye surgery melbourne prices to make an informed decision.

    Anyway, the bottom line is that vision syndrome needs to be addressed as soon as possible without letting it spiral into something much graver.

How to Cope with Computer Vision Syndrome

  • Reduce glare – blue light has a greater effect on the retina, causing vision to blur and dry out. To reduce glare from your screen, you can use an antiglare screen protector or wrap your phone in a blue light filter case. You could also get blue light glasses so that you could work on any screen without worrying. These types of glasses are readily available on websites such as Felix Gray ( or others like it.
  • Reshuffle your desk – By rearranging the location of your desk, you can relieve some of these symptoms.
  • Adjust your settings – Change the factory-installed presets. Adjust its contrast, brightness, as well as font size to your liking.
  • Limit screen time – CVS can also affect your vision, so it’s important to take action to limit screen time.

Those of us working on computers all day have probably seen some of the tell-tale signs of computer vision syndrome, including eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain. More commonly known as CVS, computer vision syndrome occurs when your eyes get tired from focusing on a computer screen.

Do You Need Glasses for Computer Vision Syndrome?

Seeing a screen is important, and although glasses aren’t a required part of computer vision syndrome, many people who suffer from it do choose to wear glasses to relieve some of the symptoms.

Poor eyesight can cause many issues for a computer user. The most noticeable problems users face when computer or laptop vision problems are blurry images and poor color accuracy.

Many smartphone users find that they suffer from eye strain after spending time in front of their screens. The “blue light” emitted by many screens is detrimental to the eyes, and migraines, dry eyes, and other symptoms can result. An easy way to alleviate eye strain is to switch between glasses and sunglasses. It not only looks cool; it protects your eyes from harmful rays.

Glasses are one of the little things that make a big impact. If you wear glasses, you probably wear them every day. Even if you take them off and put them away at the end of the day, chances are you’ll still have them on. But if you’ve ever had to buy glasses, you know there are a few other things about them that you might not think about.

Computer glasses are a beneficial accessory to have, especially for those whose work requires them to sit in front of a computer every day. The last thing you want to do is damage your eyes, so contact lenses and computer glasses can both be helpful! But, if you’re in the market for a pair of computer glasses, it’s wise to do some research before settling on a pair. How do you know if they’re the right pair for you? And which pair should you have?