How To Migrate from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge

You might have super-fast Spectrum internet, but super-fast wifi is useless if your browser is out of date.
Internet Explorer has been a staple of the web browser market for so long that it’s no surprise that it has become the default choice for most users. However, Explorer is getting on a bit, and there are certain situations where the default browser is not the best fit, such as when you’re building a website for a specific group of people and need to create a custom browser that uses different rules for displaying elements such as images and CSS.

Microsoft recently released a new browser, Edge, which is a replacement for Internet Explorer. If you use Internet Explorer to surf the web, you should also use Edge, as it is the only browser that supports HTML5 and CSS3 so that you can get the most out of your websites.

Microsoft Edge is a new browser for Windows 10 that is packed full of useful features. It is meant to be lighter, faster, and leaner than the Internet Explorer browser that Microsoft has been riding for so many years. But Edge can only do so much if you are stuck on Internet Explorer. You will need to move from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge to start using all the new features that Microsoft has put into this new browser. The Edge browser features a new tab experience that is faster, more secure, and modern. The new tab page also includes a built-in Reading List, an integrated news feed, and a new Reading View that lets you see web pages in a magazine-style layout.

How to migrate to Microsoft Edge

Migrating to Microsoft Edge is a smart way to keep your browser up to date. Microsoft Edge is the most secure browser on the market. It provides protection against viruses, malware, and phishing scams.

Microsoft Edge also has a library of extensions you can use to customize your browsing experience. These include ad-blocking extensions and password managers to help make your online experience safer and more productive.

Microsoft is suggesting that all users migrate from IE to Edge, and the best way to do so is by following these steps.

Step 1: One of the first things you should do when you are ready to transition from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge is to make sure your system has the latest updates. Open Windows Update in your control panel and select Check for Updates.

Step 2: If there are any updates available, Microsoft will automatically download and install them for you in this step. Make sure that you have enough storage space on your computer beforehand, as downloading updates can take up a lot of space on your hard drive.

Step 3: There will be a message at the bottom of the screen confirming that Windows Update is complete and successfully installed all of its latest updates for you. Click the button, and your start to browse.

Internet Explorer is a great browser and, for many reasons, is still the most popular way to browse the web. But when it comes to the modern web, another browser is the most secure and latest on the market, and it’s called Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge is a lightweight browser that is used for faster browsing. It has the ability to make the internet experience better. It can load pages quickly and has a user interface that makes it easier to read any content. With the new browser, you are able to use Cortana to find anything you want on your screen and get relevant results in just a few clicks.

Internet Explorer has been out of date for some time now and is not being developed further by Microsoft, which means that it will not be able to keep up with future standards or technologies. That’s why many people are looking for ways how they can upgrade from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge.

If you want to use Microsoft Edge for your browsing needs, you need to upgrade your device to Windows 10. If you have an older device that can’t be updated or if you don’t want to upgrade your current installation of Windows 10, then there are a few other steps that need to be taken.


5 Brain Training Apps to Kick Up Your Brain

Brain training apps are all the rage these days, with people ranging from children to the elderly grabbing one every day to try to stave off the effects of aging. Unfortunately, as you get older, there are many common conditions that you may suffer from, ranging from hearing loss and cataracts to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and dementia, with the latter being the most concerning.

Your brain is at the forefront of operations, controlling different parts of your body that make you who you are. And when this is affected, simple tasks that used to be carried out without a second thought become much harder – even remembering the names of family members can become difficult. Not only is this debilitating for the individual with dementia, but it can also greatly affect family members too. When people are unable to cope with the progression of the disease, making the decision to move them to an assisted living facility like Chelsea Senior Living ( is one they must make. Here, they will get the care they need, allowing them to have a good quality of life for the time they have left.

This is why people are turning to activities that can keep their brains healthy, and brain training apps are a new craze that people can’t seem to get enough of. The goal of these apps is to help people train their brains to think faster, remember more, and feel happier.

What is a Brain Training App?

“Brain training,” or the act of training your brain to perform a task better, is a big trend right now-and it makes sense, especially when you consider its benefits for both humans and animals. Brain training apps are different from the brain games you played as a kid; they’re more about developing your memory, attention, or creative thinking skills than trying to beat “Tetris.”

It’s no secret that brain training apps have exploded in popularity in recent years. These apps work with the mind by challenging users to think creatively and improve their memory. There are some great apps out there, but not all of them are created equally.

We’ve all heard about the benefits of brain training – but what are the best options to choose from? Besides having enough brainpower to drive a car, you can also use brain training apps to boost your cognitive performance in the form of games, puzzles, and games to unlock new mental abilities.

Here’s a list of 5 of the best brain training apps that you can download to improve your brain power and boost your memory and creativity.

1. Lumosity – is a fun and engaging way to improve your cognitive performance. The app promises to help you build your brain and shows you how it can be strengthened through regular use. It is a great way to get more out of your time and make smarter decisions.

2. Elevate – smart app to help you achieve your goals by keeping you motivated, improving your concentration, and improving cognitive function. On top of that, the app integrates with calendar reminders and a custom alarm clock, letting you set a certain time before your alarm goes off.

3. The Braincraft app – This is a brain training app that uses a series of mental puzzles (the “games”) to boost your brain performance and improve your mental strength. It uses a unique algorithm that uses a series of cognitive tests (the “tests”) to identify your cognitive strengths and weaknesses. It then uses the results to design a set of training exercises (the “games”) that are designed to develop your weaknesses and refine your strengths. Each game has a single goal, but they can be played in any order; you can play the games in any order you want. Each game takes about 20 minutes to complete and requires your full concentration. When you complete a game, you get its results immediately. A total of 12 games have been created so far

4. MentalUP – is a game designed to improve cognitive functions. It consists of 49 different exercises from arithmetic, memory, perception, attention, calculation, etc. The exercises are simple, and the game is easy to use, but it’s hard to master the full potential of the game if you don’t spend enough time with it.

5. CogniFit – is a brain training app that claims to improve your brain’s ability to learn new things by filling it with games that train you to think faster and remember more. The app takes advantage of the different ways the brain is trained to learn, and the theory is that you can improve your cognitive abilities through training that mimics these methods.

You wouldn’t know it, but your brain is constantly at work. The amazing thing about your brain is that it needs to work for you, even when you’re sleeping! Sleep is when your brain actually performs most of its functions: thinking and learning, making calculations, storing new memories, and so on. If you want to get smarter, you should give your brain a workout for those times when you’re not thinking about it. The best way to do that is to train your brain with brain-training apps designed to improve your brain’s ability to cope with stressful situations. As a result, you’ll be able to learn faster and remember even more.